The good doesn’t become better by being exaggerated but worse. In the same way the minor bad when defied and oppressed, becomes huge. The shade is an equal part of the human nature and only at night, in the darkness there are no shadows.
- Liber Novus, C.G. Jung 1914-1915
The sage has no mind of his own. He takes as his own the mind of the people.
-Tao Te Ching, (Lao Tzu)
You start to become aware when you see what you are not, when you mind starts to realize that it is not the body. Your mind says, "Then what am I? Am I the hand? If I cut off my hand, I am still me. Then I am not the hand." You take away what is not you, until in the end the only thing that remains is what you really are. It's a long process of the mind finding its own identity. In the process, you let go of the personal story, what makes you feel safe, until finally you understand what you really are.
You find out that you are not what you believe you are, because you never chose your beliefs. These beliefs were there when you were born. You find out that you are also not the body, because you start to function without your body. You start to notice that you are not the dream, that you are not the mind. If you go deeper, you start noting that you are not the soul either. Then what you find out is so incredible. You find out that what you are is a force - a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream.
-The Mastery of Love, (Don Miguel Ruiz)

Magdalena Jetelová, Atlantic Wall, 1995. Laser projection of a quote from Paul Virilio’s Bunker Archeogy.
I must not identify with an apocalyptic version of sensory derangement that may come with technological speed and displacement. We will not destroy our ability to perceive this world wholly, but rather, use our biology for a new world. And it may be, that our dichotomizing, Cartesian infrastructure forces a new kind of segregation and institution of boarders: between a digital utopian construct and the reality left behind by our inability to manage our own waste. What we should keep in mind is this: no matter the interior one chooses to inhabit, utopia will always be "nonexistence": an allusive state, wielded and yet held captive by the mind. At the scale of a globalized society, a living utopia would require science to have effectively fabricated a new society whose members would have all become sleepers, living in illusory days and naturally very much at ease in a situation of peace, of nuclear dissuasion...according to a curve of optimal distribution of the exertion of forces that guarantees their equilibrium and avoids accidents (Paul Virilio, 2009). Do we need this utopian delusion? Yes. It helps us find each other.
...the great inventions are events in the order of consciousness more than in science. Archimedes, Newton, Einstein sense the principle of relativity while observing the flight of gulls over the sea - as phenomenon of aesthetic surprise. All of this is effected, as they thought during the Renaissance, by the channel of sensation, Love & Reason being here only spatial-temporal dimensions given to the imago - units of measure.
- The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Paul Virilio 2009
What things can the dwelling creatures known as humans become when they experience the fact that dwelling means being-able-to-be-here-and-elsewhere?
- Spheres Volume 3: Foams, Peter Sloterdijk 2004
To Descartes' sentence: "the mind is a thing that thinks" (that is, in stable and commonly visible forms), Bergson retorted: "The mind is a thing that lasts..." The paradoxical state of waking would finally make them both agree: it's our duration that thinks, the first product of consciousness would be its own speed in its distance of time, speed would be the causal idea, the idea before the idea.
- The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Paul Virilio 2009